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New Members

Renee, Member

Congratulations on joining over 60,000 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians as a member of the largest pension plan in the province!

As a new member of the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP or the Plan) you are now on a journey that will lead you to a retirement that is both secure and dependable.

We are the administrator of the PSPP and oversee the investment management of the Plan. As such, our team keeps your retirement at the heart of everything we do. Throughout your career we’ll be here to help you understand the advantages of being part of a defined benefit pension plan and what that means for your retirement.

You might be thinking that it’s too soon to be thinking about retirement, but the truth is that it’s never too early to start. By trusting us with your planning, you can build the career of your dreams while we build you a stable, secure future.

  • Get to know your plan

    Our Plan at a Glance serves as an introduction to Provident10 and the benefits that come with being a member of the PSPP.

    Because we keep your retirement at the heart of everything we do, we want to help you understand the Plan and what being a member means for your future. We’ve put together more valuable resources to help you get to know and understand your plan, including an FAQ to cover some of the questions you may have.

  • Determine your transfer or purchase eligibility

    Transferring or purchasing service to the Plan is one way for members to get the most out of their pension. Learn about PSPP transfers and the steps towards a better retirement.

    Why purchase or transfer service?

    • Become vested sooner. Meaning, you become eligible for a lifetime pension.
    • Increase your monthly pension benefit by adding service.
    • You may be able to retire earlier with an unreduced pension.

    Learn about how to purchase and transfer service and determine if you’re eligible.

  • Learn about your Annual Pension Statement

    Each year, we will mail your Annual Pension Statement to the address we have on file for you. The statement is a helpful tool to help you prepare for the future.

    Keep your Annual Pension Statement in a safe place. You can use the information to estimate your pension with our online calculator.

  • Understand your contributions

    As a member of the Plan, you will make monthly, tax-deductible contributions to your pension. Your employer will also make contributions to the Plan on your behalf. Defined benefit (or DB) pensions like ours are one of the easiest and most effective ways to save for retirement.

    Yours and your employers’ contributions are used to fund your pension, but your pension is worth so much more than just the contributions you make.

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    Member Information Sessions

    Fully understand your pension benefits with info sessions for every stage of your career.

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    Find answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.

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    Member Handbook

    All the information that you need about the Plan and benefits of being a member.

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    Contact us

    Questions? We’re here to help!

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Jim, Member


As you get started, these tools will introduce you to the Plan and its benefits.